The Property Inspection Pros Mockup

OMG National is proud of a strong track record with regard to staying ahead of industry trends.

Our client intimately understands that a property purchase is likely among the most significant investments customers will make within their lifetimes! Several years of saving, planning, and hard work usually lead up to this exciting, transformative, and often stressful purchase. With 15 years of experience, our client leverages experience in both Real estate & the Construction industry to offer a comprehensive home inspection service which includes cutting edge technology 

The Challenge

Today’s day & age is characterized by an abundance of technology. With advances in technology, everyone is online. This means it's harder to stand out, have meaningful connections with customers, and get noticed.

The Methodology

While supporting a diverse product-stack, OMG intimately understands the magic of Google. Depending on which metrics you reference, approximately 9 of 10 customers are on Google looking for an answer. Therefore, our Google Product stack is meticulously crafted to allow OMG to build, curate, and grow our clients’ online presence across multiple layers of Google’s results, providing more chances to be found & connected with. The product we deployed here is our Google Calls Advisor (GCA) solution. 

About Google Calls Advisor (GCA): This product deploys Local Services Ads (LSA) & Google Business Profile (GBP) to source traffic from two layers of Google Search. LSA Provides Paid Leads from the Very Top of the Google Results Page. GBP Earns Free Engagement & results increase over time (Free Calls, Messages, Direction Requests, Bookings, and Quotes). The result is a robust marketing strategy which utilizes two dominant Google Platforms together to bolster ROI, diversify risk, & expertly fuel the business in the short, medium, and long term. This is the most powerful solution on the market for customer acquisition today.

So, What’s Special?

#1 on Google with Local Services Ads: Trusted Transactions are the future of advertising. The LSA platform supercharges trust by explicitly stamping our advertisers with the Google Badge of Trust. In turn, this allows access to the very top of the page. By leveraging our methodology and years of experience with this platform, in addition to our client’s high review count & consistent reviews, we were able to maintain high ranking & call volume.

Free Transaction Machine with Google Business Profile: To the uninitiated, the Maps layer is home to boring & mundane free listings. To us, it's immensely powerful and one of, if not the most important presences to maximize within Google. This is because running our methodology on GBP has the effect of generating thousands of free customer actions over time, essentially acting as a lead funnel to bring in free traffic which bolsters return on investment dramatically.

The Results

Local Services Ads (LSA): Our customers love the way we run Local Services Ads. OMG National adjusts the aggressiveness of the bidding strategy based on how healthy the ad is (Ad Quality). This means that our strategy is often married to how many calls our clients want. Underpinning the deep expertise & bidding decisions is a simple exposure methodology which guards against billing & suspension failures for maximized run-time of the ad. With a modest Weekly Budget of $300, we were able to extract consistent & increasing lead volume from LSA (which is only half the Product!)

Google Business Profile (GBP): Our powerful methodology improves the volume of free transactions, and usually, Local Rank within the Maps section over time. Below are a series of images showing our client’s rank at a bird’s eye view for several relevant keywords:

The Property Inspection Pros2

Pictured: With a modest Weekly Budget, our client has the lion’s share of traffic in the area directed at their business via Local Services Ads for approximately 7 months now. The lead volume is satisfactory to our client and they sometimes struggle to keep up with the heavy inbound traffic!

The Property Inspection Pros Rank Grid 1
The Property Inspection Pros Rank Grid 2
The Property Inspection Pros Rank Grid 3

Pictured: OMG’s Local Rank Grids. OMG's Local Rank Grid gives you a street-level view of how your business stacks up against your competitors. When potential customers are searching for a specific service (keyword) in their area, using the Local Rank Grid you can see how and where you show up in their search and even more, who’s showing up with you! By the way, this is all available 24/7 through our Client-facing Portal!

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