The lack of transparency between businesses and their marketing companies is the number one reason for mistrust and confusion for advertisers. As small businesses utilize internet advertising more and more, they are demanding to know how their dollars are being spent and how their marketing products are working for them.
Advertisers in record numbers are saying, “No more secrecy!” They will no longer work with marketing companies that are not transparent and cannot provide real-time access to performance reporting.
OMG National is listening to the needs of small business advertisers and is going to great lengths to ensure that its clients can see how their budgets are being spent and how their marketing is benefiting their business across digital channels and tactics.
Understanding how each channel and tactic contributes to their marketing success, provides peace of mind that OMG is going to work for them – every hour of every day, to help them get and keep more customers.
We are very pleased to announce the recent launch of our OMG Marketing Center (the “OMC”). This new portal is where you can see our marketing efforts come to life. It is where our team works to power our clients’ products and where our clients can keep track of progress and results.
It is a powerful reporting dashboard that gives our clients insight into how we manage all aspects of our client’s online marketing activity. It delivers real-time reporting, gives them access to their OMG products, and shows them the value that we are delivering. We invite clients to participate as often as they would like in the OMC. It is available anytime on your desktop computer or anywhere on your mobile device.
For OMG, however, transparency is more than just providing access to a marketing dashboard. It is about us making a commitment to our clients to engage with them in open and honest conversations. For us, that begins with a dedicated staff of Digital Marketing Specialists. Their personalized approach to our clients’ marketing services is woven into the fabric of our business, and it can be felt every step of the way from the time we launch our clients and throughout our service together. Transparency On-Demand. Schedule Your Demo Now!
At OMG, a business is more than just a client. We work hard to get to know their business, ask questions, listen, and understand the unique characteristics of their products and services, and goals. Authentically connecting with our clients builds trust, which for us, is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. And now with the OMC, that authenticity has a log-in and we are pleased to show our clients the incredible work that we do for them, day in and day out.
Please call or email if you would like to learn more about the new OMG Marketing Center and what it can do to enhance your marketing efforts.