How To Enhance The Value Of Your Local Pages

How To Enhance The Value Of Your Local Pages

Your customer’s journey has changed, have you done all you can to change your business along with it? Let’s go back in time, say five, ten years ago, and think about how you looked up a service. Perhaps your brakes felt mushy and were all of a sudden beginning to squeak. You likely went to Google or Bing, maybe Ask Jeeves ☺, and searched the term “Brake Shop” or “Auto Repair”. You’d pull up the search engine, add the keywords to the search bar, then you’d get back a bunch of blue links and you’d select from that list.

The results would be links to the individual websites for those auto shops, you would then begin reviewing them and decide on who to contact. You’d likely consider the professionalism of the site, what the company said about itself, and where they were geographically.

To make sure you are maximizing your company’s Online Footprint including Local Pages, Search Sites, Social Media Sites, and Review Sites, run this quick scan to get an idea of how much room for improvement remains for your company. You can even compare how your company stacks up to others in your industry.

Today, when you want to do that same search, you are typing it right into the browser, many times you are prompted by Google with additions to your Auto Repair search. Things like “near me” or “best” or “reviews”, are auto-added by Google in an effort to improve and speed up the overall search process, and to make it more valuable. It’s all changed very fast.

These phrases are how your customers are doing most of their searching today and their “search intent” is quite high when they get to this point.

A recent study conducted by Time Trade looked at how people are searching for brands and services today online. 98% of them are using search engines frequently, especially when talking about a searching involving a physical location. These consumers are time conscience and they are looking to connect and transact, now. They need to be able to act, buy, sign up, register, etc. with as little time investment as is possible.

As a business owner or operator, this means that your Local Pages must be equipped, or built out, and ready to convert these consumers and allow them to quickly evolve, from suspect to prospect to customer, all within a moment’s time.

Targeting your messaging and content towards the customers who are looking for you in that micro-moment is a business imperative in 2019. The customer may know what they want, and having comprehensive messaging on your Local Pages should allow customers to get what they need despite the hour, their location, or their level of interest. At 2 am, the customer realizes that you are closed, but if you are able to get them concise information and have them schedule an intake appointment, view basic pricing, get information like timeframes or other data points, you can essentially take that new customer out of the market, helping them to gain a sense of accomplishment that they have gotten their repair underway.

Ignoring or undervaluing your Local Pages, sites like Merchant Circle, Yelp, Google My Business, Bing, and many others, could be ignoring your next, great customer.

To make sure you are maximizing your company’s Online Footprint including Local Pages, Search Sites, Social Media Sites, and Review Sites, run this quick scan to get an idea of how much room for improvement remains for your company. You can even compare how your company stacks up to others in your industry.

For a quick consultation showing you how OMG National helps with Local Pages, schedule a ten-minute review with one of our Internet Marketing Experts today!

For OMG National, this is Jesse Lubar. Thanks for your time!
