February 2019: Alexa, Siri… and Hey Google! [Voice Search]

50 Percent of online searches will be “voice” by 2020!

You know what they say: adapt or die! The voice search craze has taken on sort of a life of its own in the past two to three years. Statistics tell the story. We are rapidly approaching 2020, the year now infamously predicted by ComScore to mark 50% voice search adoption. Across the board, in fact, the industry seems to be predicting 2020 as the year voice search truly explodes. At OMG National, we are preparing our Partner clients for success by keeping all of your data safe and accessible.

Think you can “set it and forget it” in today’s fast paced digital revolution and evolution? Think again. Get with your Account Executive and Ad Planner here to verify you are on target to hit a bullseye with VOICE SEARCH!

Pick up your free Value-Added Services & Client-Only Discounts.

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Free Local Search – Competition Analysis
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and more…..
