Delo Mockup

75% of consumers will not consider your business without a website!

DeLo Roofing and Construction started with a dedication to the local community and a passion for helping the Treasure Coast thrive. While they work with residents and commercial businesses to complete high-quality roofing projects, they also partner with local associations and national suppliers to bring your vision to life.

Before & After

DeLo Roofing and Construction needed a cutting edge website to showcase the work that they have done and to build trust amongst potential clients.

Delo Roofing And Construction2 Delo Roofing And Construction



The Methodology

Our goals were to increase traffic to the client’s website in order to increase their customer acquisition. There are various website best practices that were implemented:

Clear call to actions throughout the design

Simple to digest paragraphs of information with imagery to match

Highlight of customers reviews to build trust

Simple eye catching design; less cluttered

Setup Goal Conversions: Form Fills, Phone Calls, Maps Clicks, Email Clicks

Setup Google Analytics

Website Performance

Dated (02/7/2023)

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