OMG National is proud of a strong track record with regard to staying ahead of industry trends.
Wagner Pools is a household name, well-known within Fairfield County, Westchester County & beyond. Founded in 1919, our client is proudly family-owned & focused on further elevating an already strong & reputable brand into the Digital age.
2. The Methodology
OMG’s Google Calls Advisor Product is an industry-leading solution that combines two powerful Platforms: Local Services Ads (LSA) & Google Business Profile (GBP). Our product methodology is simple yet effective:
3. The Results - Local Services Ads (LSA)
Wagner Pools came aboard with OMG on March, 28, 2022. Our team encountered some license verification issues for LSA which we quickly resolved. We were able to rapidly speed through the Onboarding process, resulting in Wagner Pools serving as Badged & Trusted on LSA by April, 7th, 2022. We’ve been able to leverage LSA to yield 89 total calls despite a modest budget (Average = 30 calls per month.) At the time of writing, our client is Ranked #1 within LSA for the Pool Contracting Vertical.
Client's Relevance, Distance, and Prominence
Client's Local Rank across their geographic area improved significantly, using their most important keywords!