Interiors By Abraham Fb Ads Case Study 01

35% of Consumers Who See a Facebook Ad Will Respond by Visiting the Store or Website

This client has been with us on Facebook Ads since June 2022. The client’s business had largely plateaued, and he was really an ideal client sold a product that would arguably work for him - his vertical is right for social (visual, flex), he agreed to be patient, and he was responsive. There was a small ad spend, which would normally be tough in a crowded market and a highly competitive vertical. Interior designing in Atlanta would be tricky, but we knew we could leverage great creatives and a niche audience to get him the high intent leads he was after.

The Methodology

After trying a few strategies out of the gate, we settled on targeting high income residents in his area, professions with higher earning potential, and renovation interests, hoping to find the key demographics we were looking for (who would have an interest in the client’s services and also be able to afford his services).

By August, we knew we had found the right audience, as the client’s feedback was strong - he was converting leads, and by September, he let us know that he had so many new clients because of our Facebook Ads that he had to hire an assistant to deal with the volume!

Throughout the month of September 2022, the ads continued to pick up steam, as the PSA’s maintenance loops in August and September enhanced and improved volume. Best of all, he’s happy AND he’s supplied us with feedback about lead quality and items to include in the creative and copy.

Interiors By Abraham Fb Ads Case Study 02

The Results

Interiors By Abraham Fb Ads Case Study Results

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