Harness The True Power Of Facebook With One Powerful Social Product
This is a longtime client (LME in June 2016), like campaign and boosts began in January 2022, which has had an extremely positive effect on engagement on the client’s Facebook page overall. Because of a Like Campaign and Boosting, clients are not just able to see attractive organic content, we are able to garner new engagement, possibly new customers.
The Problem
While this client’s page has always been a source of steady engagement, after nearly a year of content creation, boosting, like campaigning, the client’s page seemed to plateau in the Fall of 2022. This is normal and expected, but a plateau in engagement means that the OMG National Social Media Team must assess the issue and course correct in different ways - address creative fatigue, adjusting targeting on like campaigns and boosts, and keep an eye on trends moving forward.

The Methodology
Throughout August, September, and October 2022, both our Paid Social Analyst and the assigned Social Media Specialist performed a series of revisions and updates that would help optimize the content, the like campaign, and the boosts to capture a larger audience.
Increased frequency on the like campaign indicates that the same audience is being targeted, over and over, so Marc adjusted the targeting, updated the creative, and turned on the Campaign Budget Optimization, which helps us utilize Meta’s extensive (and improved) A.I. optimization features to find a bigger, broader audience for ad delivery. Once those changes were made in August 2022, Marc allowed the campaign to run uninterrupted and monitored results.

The Results
With a fresh look to the original content we created, new boosting and like campaign targeting that captured a more broad audience, and a refreshed like campaign, after delivering for over a month, the November 2022 results were outstanding.
Between September 2022 and November 2022, total engagement on the page was up 26.79%, from 56 to 71 likes within the past 90 days. Cost per result was down 21.41%, as well, and the November 2022 cost per page like was $1.28 (down from $1.64), a cost that continued to drop after November 2022.
Overall, our efforts ensured that the Autrey Furniture social media accounts were no longer plateaued in terms of engagement, but continuing to improve. We successfully navigated the issue and were able to create tremendous value for a longtime client who was already happy with their product and results.