Over 95% of consumers go online to find local services and paid search ads occupy 100% of mobile search screens

When you are charged with a crime, the burden of defending yourself does not have to fall on you. At the Law Office of A. Randall Haas, an experienced and knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale Criminal Defense Attorney takes on that mantle. Haas’s firm is located in Fort Lauderdale, but he serves clients throughout Florida. He has been practicing criminal defense for over 30 years, 13 of which were spent as a public defender where he was balancing dozens of cases at the same time. In private practice, Mr. Haas can dedicate more time and energy to each of his clients.

The Problem

Randall Haas has his own law firm and is the only criminal defense attorney. Therefore, he wanted an Agency with experience in navigating the Digital Marketing landscape for him, with a focus on driving qualified leads to his firm. Before joining OMG National, Mr. Haas was working with another marketing agency. The other agency was handling his website and his PPC campaign. The other marketing agency failed at meeting Mr. Haas’ expectations and standards. Mr Haas wanted to feel & hear a change in the rate at which his phone was ringing. After learning more about who we are & where our specialities lie, we were able to gain the confidence of our client. 

The Solution

OMG was able to launch his website sooner than expected and took over his PPC campaign. Moving forward, Randall Haas was introduced to Local Services Ads at our urgent recommendation and wanted to shift his Google Ads budget to this new program per our suggestion. We were able to gain more of Randall’s trust following the immediate success of his LSA campaign. We used our experience to launch his LSA campaign in less than 96 hours. 

The Results

Mr. Haas was extremely thankful for our speed. Our client got his first qualified phone call in less than 48 hours after the campaign went live. When we called to congratulate him on the early positive signs of success, he was very pleased and asked where else we could leverage our expertise to get him more calls moving forward. I explained to him the methodology and set his expectations. Today, Mr Haas has received 48 leads in total. Those leads cost the client $7,330.61 in total. That number might seem high, but Randall makes a very high margin on qualified leads. This is a shared attribute of several law verticals. Our client confirmed that he has made an exceptionally healthy margin on his spend, yielding a very favorable return on investment. His responsiveness rate is extremely high due to the fact that he has an answering service which results in centralized responsiveness, which is generally a critical aid for LSA. The organic side of the program is working out very well. During the past 28 days, Mr Haas received 21 free calls that came in from his Google My Business page. Our client continues to send us pictures that we imbed with metadata to strengthen his GMB ranking, driving more free transactions over time. This is only one facet of our GMB optimization loop, which works to consistently & regularly feed GMB the organic content that it demands to show a performance increase. Mr. Haas is also regularly contributing other assets which we use as part of the loop to power GMB performance.

Next Steps

Now that our client has various products with us, one can say that OMG National was able to gain his trust in full. We take care of his website, social media platforms, LSA campaign, and listings. Moving forward, the client will be adding our SEO Pro program. We spoke about this and the client would like to start working on it soon. In today’s competitive market, one should always have a plan B to keep the same influx, quality, & flow of leads should one medium of advertising lose momentum for any reason. The vision we share in common with the client is one in which we are able to exceed expectations in all applicable layers of Google’s ecosystem, Google Ads, the Map Pack, LSA, and the organic results.

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