April 2019: OMG Insider

Google My Business: Q & A

Have you noticed Google’s latest feature on your Google My Business page? It’s Q&A and  allows Google to crowdsource information about local businesses that may not be available within the structured attributes of Google My Business, or which is not immediately obvious from a local business’s own website.

Many SEO experts including our team here at OMG also speculate that Q&A may be assisting Google as it builds out an inventory of Voice Search queries and answers via Google Assistant

In a nutshell, Q&A provides valuable information to potential new customers.

How Does Google Q&A Work?

Any time a local business shows up in a Google search results, Google presents searchers with the option to ask a question about that business. In addition, we have created leading Questions and Answers that can put you in the best light and be the most relevant at the same time!

Once posted, the question appears on that business’s Google My Business profile.

Depending on which device they’re using, Local Guides (basically, super-users of Google Maps) may receive notifications that unanswered questions exist at businesses they’ve visited or that are located near them.

Here is where your relationship with OMG National has additional value. We are integrated with GOOGLE and can create as well as respond to questions!  DO not rely on outside customers, competitors or Local Guides control your message!

Wait, anyone can ask OR answer? Seriously? Isn’t it MY business profile?

While the information you provide in Google My Business is authoritative, your business profile is still part of a Google search result. It’s a delicate balance between Google wanting you to put your best foot forward and providing as much information as searchers want to see.

Perhaps not a surprise, but we found that 91% of questions from prospective customers have yet to be answered by business owners. Conversely, 61.6% have been answered by Local Guides. CONTROL your Q & A with a little help from your friends here at OMG National.

Contests and Quizzes

Want to build a LEAD FUNNEL? Well it starts with a GOAL! What are you looking to accomplish? Immediate leads for a SALE? An ongoing drip email campaign for longer term sales cycles? Build a list for future marketing?  We strongly recommend each of our clients have a “list” that is their clients/prospects/suspects. This list can be emailed on schedule for notices, sales, testimonials, new product/service introductions and more! By using a “FUNNEL” system, we can segment those “recipients”  by their unique actions and follow up with a more personalized email. These “Drip/Funnel” campaigns are intelligent effective and can revolutionize the way you generate sales.

But it starts with the list. How many emails do you have?  Not enough I am sure. Well, lets start with what you have and assure you we can “purchase” emails based on opt in data or better yet, GENERATE your own LIST by employing a SOCIAL MEDIA contest or Quiz.  Facebook and Instigram work well with this type of promotion and we would love to help you ring more out of your universe with a proven 2-step Funnel-Drip strategy. For detailed information and custom quote please reach out.


It’s not just a website!  You’re website presence is the foundation of your online presence. Remember the old adage, you only get one chance to make a first impression. This couldn’t be further from the truth, when it comes to todays “point and click” mentality. Your website should be a tool for people finding you, getting information, reaching out to you, researching you and reviewing you!  In addition, because of hackers, evolving browsers, search result changes, you really should budget for consistent website evolution! Here are a few reasons some of our best clients chose to upgrade to WEB WORX, our pay as you go website security, search and update service. For OMG VIP pricing, more information or to reach out for a complimentary “NEW DESIGN MOCK-UP”  FREE for all OMG Partner clients.

  • Can a visitor readily find the most basic things on your site, such as contact information?
  • Is your site navigation confusing?
  • Is your important content hidden?
  • Do you have effective SEO content?
  • Does your website load quickly on all platforms?
  • Are your product and service offers completely up-to-date?
  • Is the design dated and ineffective?
  • Are you experiencing high bounce rates and little conversions?


What are you doing different, unique or special this summer? Have that promotion? Great new product or service introduction? Company anniversary? How about recruitment video or even a testimonial video of some of your biggest fans? Well, OMG National is offering a FREE SUMMER SIZZLER VIDEO to all our Partner Clients. You’re new video will be on social media including Facebook, Instagram and Google My Business! We will also have your video SEO friendly and placed on your Youtube channel and should you desire, integrated into your website or part of a landing page or email broadcast. OMG VIDEO is your single source for ALL your video projects! 


Does your company exhibit at trade shows, home shows, recruiting events, community functions or anywhere else you want to spread the word?  OMG Promo has developed a wide range of event materials that give you that competitive edge. In addition, OMG Promo has all personalized pens, caps, shirts,key chains, mugs and cowbells you can ever want!  In fact, visit OMG Promo and see thousands of items that will help you brand and leverage your logo and information. Use code Partner for 25 dollars off any order as well as NO setup or art charges.
